Wireless Sensing and Detection

Industrial IoT

Saltenna is working on sensor reporting and object detection through solid metal, including pressurized tanks, without drilling holes or running wires.


Adversary detection in denied environments

Saltenna is developing detection of adversary presence and activity underwater, through metals, and more.



Plasmonics may be able to monitor fish health and net and structure integrity, enable communications between vessels and divers, augment underwater and surface IoT, and more.


Global Supply Chain

Saltenna's solutions may enable critical handling information, cargo verification through the metal, digital chain of custody, and other critical advantages in the global supply chain.


Detection of Stowaways and Trafficked Persons

Saltenna has demonstrated sensing through metal, and it is working on detecting the presence of humans inside shipping containers, gas tanks, and other solid containers, enabling a revolution in counter trafficking, port security, and border protection.



Saltenna is moving towards scanning organic tissue to detect the presence of cancers and other ailments.


Environmental Research

Saltenna believes its Plasmonics may detect long-term changes such as ice sheet thickness, water salinity, and other variables.

Saltenna is evolving fast.
We are developing seemingly impossible communications and sensing at the edge in the most demanding environments. Contact us to explore and craft powerful unique solutions.