Unique Capabilities
  • Wireless scanning
  • Non-invasive
  • Rapid scans
  • Mobile form factors possible for field use
  • Applicable to both human and veterinary medicine
Saltenna is exploring the potential of Plasmonics to revolutionize bioimaging. This technology could enable quick, non-invasive, and safe scans of the human body, identifying cancers and other anomalies beneath the skin.

The introduction of this advanced bioimaging technique could offer significant advancements for the medical field, including:

-Detecting conditions that are currently undiagnosable
-Providing new perspectives on existing conditions beyond traditional imaging methods like X-rays and MRIs.
-Distinguishing between medical conditions that are indistinguishable with existing techniques.

Looking ahead, the versatility of Plasmonic technology could expand its use to mobile medical units, emergency response settings, and even veterinary medicine, enhancing diagnostic capabilities across diverse environments.

Theorized Applications

Saltenna is evolving fast.
We are developing seemingly impossible communications and sensing at the edge in the most demanding environments. Contact us to explore and craft powerful unique solutions.