Communications, sensing, detection, and IoT in commercial aquaculture
Unique Capabilities
  • True wireless
  • Detect presence and/or movement of schools of fish, sharks, and other potential entities of interest
  • Operates regardless of weather conditions, time of day, and water turbidity
  • Flexible size, weight, and power
  • Many forms of detection in many environments
Saltenna is enhancing water-based operations for fishermen, commercial divers, and tourists by improving the detection of targets and threats in aquatic environments.

Saltenna's technology is set to revolutionize aquaculture by facilitating robust wireless communication for underwater sensors and IoT devices, unaffected by adverse weather of water conditions, and even integrating with aerial drones.


Saltenna is evolving fast.
We are developing seemingly impossible communications and sensing at the edge in the most demanding environments. Contact us to explore and craft powerful unique solutions.